RIBEYE CubeRoll ScotchFillet

Ribeye / Cuberoll / Scotch Fillet

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Beef all grade & brand STEAK SIDE CUTS uneven thickness mix of sirloin ribeye rump frozen price/pack 500gr

Beef all grade & brand STEAK SIDE CUTS uneven thickness mix of sirloin ribeye rump frozen price/pack 500gr

Our homemade youtube video for this item on this link   This item is the bandsaw beef cut...
Rp 100.000,-
Sale Beef Australia MELTIQUE RIBEYE (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen portioned small roast cuts 4" +/- 1.5 kg/pc (price/kg) Scotch-Fillet / Cube-Roll

Beef Australia MELTIQUE RIBEYE (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen portioned small roast cuts 4" +/- 1.5 kg/pc (price/kg) Scotch-Fillet / Cube-Roll

Our home-made youtube video of this item: AUSTRALIAN MELTIQUE BEEF HOKUBEE SIRLOIN htt...
Rp 508.000,- Rp 457.200,-
Sale Beef Australia MELTIQUE RIBEYE (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen steak cuts +/- 1.5 kg (price/kg) Scotch-Fillet / Cube-Roll

Beef Australia MELTIQUE RIBEYE (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen steak cuts +/- 1.5 kg (price/kg) Scotch-Fillet / Cube-Roll

Our home-made youtube video of this item: AUSTRALIAN MELTIQUE BEEF HOKUBEE SIRLOIN htt...
Rp 513.000,- Rp 461.700,-
Sale Beef Australia MELTIQUE RIBEYE (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen whole cut +/- 6 kg/pc, 43x15x12cm (price/kg) Scotch-Fillet / Cube-Roll

Beef Australia MELTIQUE RIBEYE (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen whole cut +/- 6 kg/pc, 43x15x12cm (price/kg) Scotch-Fillet / Cube-Roll

Our home-made youtube video of this item: AUSTRALIAN MELTIQUE BEEF HOKUBEE SIRLOIN htt...
Rp 498.000,- Rp 448.200,-
Sale Beef Australia MELTIQUE SIRLOIN (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen portioned small roast cuts 4" +/- 1 kg/pc (price/kg) Striploin / New York Strip / Has Luar
Sale Beef Australia MELTIQUE SIRLOIN (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen steak cuts +/- 1 kg (price/kg) Striploin / New York Strip / Has Luar

Beef Australia MELTIQUE SIRLOIN (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen steak cuts +/- 1 kg (price/kg) Striploin / New York Strip / Has Luar

Our home-made youtube video of this item: AUSTRALIAN MELTIQUE BEEF HOKUBEE SIRLOIN htt...
Rp 413.000,- Rp 371.700,-
Sale Beef Australia MELTIQUE SIRLOIN (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen whole cut +/- 4 kg/pc, 40x16x8m (price/kg) Striploin / New York Strip / Has Luar

Beef Australia MELTIQUE SIRLOIN (real cut) brand HOKUBEE frozen whole cut +/- 4 kg/pc, 40x16x8m (price/kg) Striploin / New York Strip / Has Luar

Our home-made youtube video of this item: AUSTRALIAN MELTIQUE BEEF HOKUBEE SIRLOIN htt...
Rp 398.000,- Rp 358.200,-
Sale Beef rib COWBOY TOMAHAWK bone-in ribeye Australia STEER (young cattle) PRAMANA aged-frozen 2 ribs +/- 1.5kg (price/kg)

Beef rib COWBOY TOMAHAWK bone-in ribeye Australia STEER (young cattle) PRAMANA aged-frozen 2 ribs +/- 1.5kg (price/kg)

BEEF STEER; also called BULLOCK, young neutered male cattle aged 2-3 years primarily raised for...
Rp 440.000,- Rp 396.000,-