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For your refference of the same beef cut but this one is BRISKET PE WAGYU TOKUSEN:
THIS IS BEEF SECONDARY CUT FOR STEW, need some hours of cooking to get it tender i.e for casserole, slow cooker, curry, soup, rendang, gulai, opor, soto, rawon, dendeng, empal etc.
NOT SUITABLE FOR STEAK OR ROAST .... however some people claimed they can cook it for steak or roast with some kind of tricks or magic recipe that you can check online di Youtube (beef suitable for steak or roast are the LOIN / PRIME CUTS; ribeye, sirloin, tenderloin or rump)
WHOLE CUTS : original CRYOVAC vacuumed plastic bag as pictures
PORTIONED CUTS weight 1kg+ : cling-wrapped and re-vacuumed plastic pack
RENDANG CUTS DADU / CUBED / DICED CUTS : vacuumed plastic pack
SLICED : vacuumed platic pack separates with plastic layers per 250-330g
ABOUT OUR BEEF & LAMB PRODUCTS (versi bahasa Indonesia, silahkan skrol ke bawah)
Cara manangani daging beku